September is probably the best month to skate in Minnesota; the weather is perfect, the trees are all colorful, and everyone is trying to get their last outdoor sessions before winter hits. Davis, Jack and I are all from here, so every year this is the season we all want to leave LA and visit Minnesota for a bit. This time around though we were able to turn it into a “working trip”. Davis hit up Jim with the idea for us to film an edit while we’re here and of course he said “Fuck Yeah”. So, here’s a few photos of Davis and Jack skating around in their hometown and trying to stack some clips.
– Tim Fulton
Day one started on Labor day in downtown St Paul. This is an old spot that Davis had a line at in ‘Boondoggle’.
After leaving downtown we were following Davis and stumbled upon a rad untouched spot. Jack is on 2nd angle duty as Davis handles it.
We had to celebrate at the CC club after we got the clip. Make sure you notice that Davis has a ‘Fulton’ glass.
We had to catch a session on the Familia barrier spot. The ground is rough, but if you can tough through it, the barrier is perfect.
Very Minnesota scenery here. If only there was a lake in the background too.
A lot of the spots here have some pretty raw ground.
New spots are always popping up though whenever the ground is re-paved. This is a rad new spot that none of us had been to before. Davis got a sick line, then we headed downtown.
Vinnie rode his scooter there.
Downtown was pretty windy. Check Jack’s hair for proof.
The wind didn’t effect Jacks switch flips though.
And that’s all! If you ever go visit Minnesota make sure you go in September! Or at least definitely don’t go in January!