Peter Ramondetta Surveillance Interview


We thought getting Frank Gerwer to interview Pete would be a good idea… You can decide for yourself.


Kickflip over a fat grass gap in Napa with a gnarly rollaway to match.


Frank – He gets caught in both of them?


Peter – Yeah, he does.


Okay. Hold on.


The second one and third one, Rambo has to save Trautman.




In the third one, he ends up…


Getting dirty since day one.


Okay, hold on. Peter and I are talking about Rambo… In the second and third one, Trautman gets caught and at every chance Trautman has to get away as far from Rambo as he can, Rambo just saved his ass. Yeah. They show Rambo, he’s like, “Oh! I’m in trouble!” Where’s Trautman, he’s a hundred yards away! Like, “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, Rambo.”

I guess, it’s our love and some of the parts we hate about Trautman interview. What don’t you like about Trautman?


I think he has good intentions, he just … I almost want to say it’s a conspiracy in the second and third, because Rambo doesn’t want to go back to war, he just wants to live a life of peace.

I almost want to say that Trautman got caught on purpose, knowing that Rambo couldn’t say no, knowing that his buddy and commander from back in the day was being tortured. Of course, they’re going to send Rambo in! Of course, Rambo’s going to be like, “Okay, I’ll come out of retirement.”


Pete managed to Back Tail this rail moments before a random guy tried to punch him in the face.


John Jay. In the second one, starts up, I think it’s the first couple seconds, ka-boom! Giant explosion of rocks.


He’s in a prison camp.


Yeah. He’s in a prison camp, because of the first one. Right there. That’s an action packed… I like that scene. Although his hair and outfit in prison is insanity. He’s got that crazy mullet craze going.

 In the third one, I don’t even get what they’re doing in the third one. He’s fighting against terrorism, but he’s the Taliban, than at one point he’s throwing a sheep around.


They’re fighting against the Russians, because in the 80’s we were helping the Taliban … 80’s or I don’t know the exact dates, but we were helping the Taliban fight the Russians, because the Russians were trying to invade that area to get control of oil.


Switch 180 over the barrier and into the TL Crust Bank in Marin.


Yeah, then John Jay gets mixed into it, trying to save Trautman’s ass.


Yeah. He gets, initially, I think that’s what pulls him out there. Trautman gets in trouble. He disappears out there and he’s like, “All right. Got to get out there and help him again.” He ends up teaming up with the Taliban. Rambo does.



Gains their respect. Becomes part of the tribe. Goes out there and ends up, basically, single-handedly defeating the Russians out of the Middle East.


Yeah! One man!


One man, yeah.


John Jay Rambo. This all started, because… Do you remember, they drew first blood, man! All he wanted was a sandwich.


It all started from that moment.


Yeah! Drops him off on the other side of the bridge. Rambo can’t take that.


No. He fought for the country. He deserved the right to get a sandwich in that town.


SF is one giant skatepark. Smith grind to hill bomb.

Yeah! That prick fucking sheriff, what’s his name? Do you remember his name? Damn it.


I can’t remember the sheriff’s name, no.


He started the whole thing.


I don’t remember his name. That’s how much I didn’t like him.


Yeah. Who cares about that dude? He did jump off a mountain into a tree in that one. Amazing!

All right. That was the Rambo stuff. Alright, here are some yes and no questions.

Do you have tattoos?




Answer these as honestly as possible. I know you do have tattoos.


I’ll try.


I know you’re not lying about that.



Do you ever play with a Barbie doll?




Backside Heel at the legendary Casting Ponds in SF.


Oh, come on! You don’t have a niece or anything and you’ve never played Barbie with her?


I don’t think she ever had Barbies.


Okay. I’ll take it as a yes. You totally did. All right, whatever.

 Are you six foot, seven?





Oh, you know what I wanted to discuss, real quick? You’re favorite pastry.


Um. Hmm.


You live above the pastry store!


I’d say between a croissant and is a muffin a pastry?


Hmm. What kind of muffin? No, a muffin is not a pastry, it’s a bread.


Yeah, then a croissant is not really a pastry either, right?


I think it is! It’s folded and there’s butter and then it’s folded and butter. Are you sure you work with croissant?


I’ll go with croissant.






Pete soaks in the stoke of the Casting Ponds.


All right. Have you ever been on a trip to Italy.




All right.

Sorry for dead space. Russia, you ever been there?




Do you own a car?




Oh, man. Those were just yes or no questions, I thought maybe people would want to know about you.

Geez-Louise. These are tortuous. Because the whole Rambo thing, that was crazy. What the hell were we thinking, talking about Rambo.




Kickflip over the bench and threading the needle in Berkeley.


Then, I’m going to ask you questions that people probably already, they don’t know. Like, whatever.

Oh! I have a good question. What happened to the silverware? I think we’ll end it on that.


My silverware I left soaking in a Tupperware container, went on a trip, came back, and it was just covered with mold. Couldn’t deal with it and threw it out. Yeah, no silverware right now.


How long have you had no silverware for?


A couple months, maybe?


All right. I think that sums it up. Thanks, Pete.I’m going to stop this. You want to make a quick, answer one more question? Because I got to flip my phone off and turn it on and shit. All right. One last question is, how do you shut this thing off?

All Photos by Gabe Morford